Hey guys.... this is the site where I'll be adding stuff about, well, just about anything. That is, if I think it's important and deserves to be recognized. Basically, this site will be ... my life as a website.
JoeCool822's Articles In Life Journals
April 24, 2004 by JoeCool822
Can someone please fill me in on what's going on in my life? - because I haven't a damn clue. I wish I knew why everything in my life happens, because truly, I don't believe they should all happen. There are things in my life that have been good, but not in the entire past week. Something happened. I don't know what it was, but obviously something did. Don't think I'm an idiot, I know things. Shit, last week was awesome (week of 4/11-15) because I had thought that someone wanted me for who I ...
April 11, 2004 by JoeCool822
Well, now - a pretty good weekend - if you don't count the hours of sleep I didn't get. Either ways, I still wish Jess and I could've gone somewhere - such as my place, lol. Maybe even my room - to watch a movie and stuff. Yeah, and "stuff". Haha.... my mind is so in the gutter - it's been in there awhile now. Anyway - my Braves are doing OK, so far. only 3-3, not too impressive. Even losing to the Cubs - twice. I know, it doesn't sound possible to me either. Well, I'll have to live with it. ...
April 8, 2004 by JoeCool822
Ok, yesterday was awesome, especially talking to Jess for like forever on AIM. I love every single minute of it, lol. It's always so great talking to my baby. Well, let's go through the day, speedily, except for "after school", . Woke up WAY LATE - even tried staying home, pretending I was sick. Didn't work - and I'm kinda glad that I didn't stay home, because I can't stand a day without seeing my babe. Hehehe... well, yeah, anyways, again, I was being lazy on the homework last night (like...