Hey guys.... this is the site where I'll be adding stuff about, well, just about anything. That is, if I think it's important and deserves to be recognized. Basically, this site will be ... my life as a website.
JoeCool822's Articles In Welcome
April 6, 2004 by JoeCool822
Well, today's what? April 6th, 2004. Awesome. A Tuesday. Well, today was great as usual. Woke up at 7:30 cuz my dad took me and my siblings today. Thank God! Even then, I was still tired. Well, seeing as how I had done no homework the day before... I had to do it while enjoying a small breakfast ( a drink ) in the CAR ! Haha, a little bumpy to say the least. I b/s'ed my chem homework, cuz Ms Stewart doesn't really care about my work, she thinks all of my answers are right anyways... haha. ...